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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  September 26, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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3 wednesday, september 26th 3 3 3 3 3
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3 altimore's new police commissioner takes the job a few days early. early. anthonn batts is onn the job riggh now,
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and joel d. smith is liveeat police headquarters with the reasons why he's already in charge.... nd what hissstyle of crime ighting might look like. good morning joel good morning guys.... to be sworn in and take over here on thursday, but in a surprise announccment on twitter yesterday....the police department says batts was taking over tuesday. tuesday. we told you on our morning show about the change and here is what the department tweeted out a littte later... the official photo of anthony batts being sworn in. why? the department announced ponday ttat acting police commissioner anthony barksdale is taking mediial leaae indefiniteey, so taking the top spot a couuleedayy early just makes sense. batts was the mayor's pick for police commissioner, and even though he's signed tte confirmed by ciiy council. month. we've spoken the &pnew commissiooer a number of times, and he alwaas says his focus isson being closs to the people he serves.
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3(batts) "the community needs aale to talk to me and tell me what they're imperatives are. ann i need to be connected to the community. so, these are huge for me.."(ms. hawks/neighbor) "we loved bealefeld and we have great pope for the new one, because baltimooe needs some attention." attention."batts has decades of experience in law enforcement.. heading up departments in oakllnd and lonn beach. most recently &phe was the -e-o of a pplice a researcher for harvaad university. he takes over a police deeartment that saw its lowest homicide numberssin decades. whhn we're back here next haf hour, we'll hearrmore from batts, on whatt hinks of those efforts, and if those strateeies are worth keeping under his at pollce heaaquarters, joel d. smith, fox 455morninn news. chhldren... some as young as four months old... alone in a &photel room... whill she robbe a an. children were found alone insideea room at the royal inn in odenton..police say &pwright.. along wwth 22 year old james reid... assaulted
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anddroobed a man at the ssme thh victim old police where the suspects werr stayiig... and when police went to to that hottl room, they fouud thh children by themselves. (((police)))) "yeah its unusual and certaanly a disturring as well. iimman ya have a robbery aad then you have children who during tth and and again thessechildren were very young in age. " tte ccstody of a relaaive. the depaatmenn of ocial seevicess is now investigating. a neighborhood in carroll county ii on edgg this morning... after a weekend crime spree. spree.cara ayres, ampstead: 10.39 "everybody's pretty shakee up by it." ii."55 car break- one northbrook nnighborhood of hampstead sattrday night. thieves ccused about six thousand dollars in damage, anythinn.t steal mmch of - major phil kasten: 4.28 "there was malice that was apparent these crimes."shelley ordwayy t 21.26 "i'm not really mad. i'm just more astonished at the nnrve of ome people that they'd just come right up to people's houses and their driveways and steal stuff."
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thieves hit, about 50 oo them the nnw owners of the sparrows point steel mill haveeset an auction date for thee property... if buyers don't step forward in time. time.liquidation firm "hilco tradinn" boughh thhesteel mill for more than 72-milliin dollars... after the previous owner went belly-up. buyers must submit bbds by deecmber 21--ttauction is set for january 3rd if needed. 3 p new washington post poll... theeway in ohio. the favorite among liielyy votees... by 52-peecent... compared to mitt romney's 44- percent. the poll also finds president obama as an advantage in florida. today... both candidates are schhduled meanwhile... several big-name singgrs are joining forces... to vote thhs novvmber.stars en like fergie and atti pustin... appear in a new sonn called "lee one voice eeerge."
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emerge."song ats nats it's aimed at ggtting nearly 20-million unmarried wommn,, minorities nd young adults to register and vote. numbers than half of all eligible vooers... but represent 63- percent of all unregistered &pcitizens. the video debbted just in time for national 3pf you're one of the millions of people who got their hanns on he new i-phone... keep a close eye n it. new york city... police are seeing a spike in apple fr this year... there are reports of 11-thousann stolen gadgett. that's up 40-percent from last year.thh n-y-p-d ii nnw working to add tracking technology to lost or stooen phones. sooe good news today... for owners of the barnessand noble p-book, "nook" .the company is ggering up to lauuch a video streaming and download service.
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thh service will alllw shoppers to buy movies and tellvision shows from h-b-o, viacom, sony pictures home enteetainmeet and walt disney studios. the service will launch just in time orr holiday season. are you our biggest fan?then you can become.. our fan of the day! everyday weell pick one of our page... and feature them on page... facebook dot com sllsh foxbaltiioree coming up... if you have a discover card... milliins of customers... could sson be getttng a árefund.á you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ll morning. ((bbmp out)) aú
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♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah ♪ i love ya ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah [ female announcer ] introducing new special k popcorn chips. with 28 buttery chips for 120 calories, you can bring the flavor of the movies home and still stay on track. freedom to enjoy. what will you gain when you lose?
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find them in the cracker aisle. a west virginia casino spending a fortune...e? to stop question seven. they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is... "most concerned with its own bottom line." and the baltimore sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember... they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven. lace up yoor running shoes... itts ttme to hit the pavement. the marian house 5k race s takkng place this saturday. saturday.emily gracey joins us live for thhs morning hometown coming up. - how caa people prrpare for
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the race?- what is the recommended age group for the r? race? phe marian hhose 5k race to embrace
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saturddy september 29th. at for more information log on to - foxxbaltimore dot com slash morning. 33 3 33
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3 coming up... a redit caad refundd.. could be coming your way.we'll &pexplain why... and how much yoo can expect to get back. 3plus a new aw... nspireddby the reality show "jersey shore."what the "snooki-ville" law entails....and where it could soon go into effect. you're waaching fox 45
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morning nees.. all local.. all mooning. ((breaa 2))
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excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. new this morning... iran's
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president takes the stage at the u-n general assembly today... but he may ot have ellen hopkins explains... some worlddleaders are expected to walk out in protest when mmhhoud ahmmdinejad speaks. with his final term winding down... this will likely be mahmoud ahmadinejad's last u-n speech as iranian president. and he's in the ssotlight even before taking the odium. general assembly on tuesday againn to demonstrate its ime a nuclear program is peaceful - and meet its u-n obligations. america wants to resolve this issue ttrough diplomacy aad we belieee there is still time and space to do soo but that time is not unlimited. make no mistake, a nucllar-armed iran issa challenge that can be conttined. on the campaign
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trail, republicannrival mitt romney said the presidentts worked. words are words. ou need to showwthe kind of action that suggests tt them that we're serious bout what we're saying. former president bbll clinton told cnn's "piers morganntonightt heedoesn't believe iran's nucleaa ppogram as the country insists. morgan &poff cam: do you trust ahmadinejaa? clinton: not on this, i don't. and in an interview that aired earlier this eek, ahmaaiiejad peflected on his upcoming speech. i have been coming to assembll for eight years now, seeking progress aad friendll relations with all nations, pame. representatives of various countries have walked out ii protest during speeches. we'll see what happens today. i'mmmmry ellen hopkins reportinn. if you ave a discover creditt card... you could be getting a refund. discover bank is refunding 2-hundred-million
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dollars to more than 3-and-a-half million custommrs... because of deceptive telemarkeeing. found its telemarketers were tricking ccstomers into purchasing credit card ""dd ons." telemarketers often implied these benefits were free... but thee weren't. tte average refund customers will expect to receive it by early next year. staples has announced its addition... it plans to the downsize or relocated another 30 locations.the company says to cut costs and improve productivity. &p the price of bacon... tt britain's naaional pig associatioo... which says a worldwide shortage is unavoidable.theessmmer's drought is partially to blame... leaaing farmers with less corn and soybean to feed the animals.the umber of &pslaughteeed pigs could drop b &ptee-peecent... doubling the price of pork nexttyear. if you can't get by each morninngwithout your cup of
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joe... yoo're nott lone. according to a new survey... most professionals feel more productive at work... when &pthey drink coofee..orkers who drink the most... are foodd preparation and service workers.allo on the list are scientists, sales reps, marketing professionals and nurses. 3 ttis hit show "jersey shore" new law proposal in new jersee. &pa state assemblyman there has introduced whht he calls the "snookiville law"... which filming.under the law... toons couldddo things like require the shows to pay for help with crowds.heesays the shows are good forr oosting local economy... but he doesn't want pubbic safety to coming up... d..- fans are still fumiin... over monday ight's game between the packers and seahawks.what one doctor is now offering the refs... who made the controversial last-minuteecall. :47 ""o antiquated and so underssaffed ann so &pborrowed time."e living on -3 &ptime." but ext... an
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plarming new report on airline phere are each day... and the ppint durinn your fllght... when you're most at riik. you're watching fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. aal morning. 3 3
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((bump in)) passengeer cram into
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commercial jets as they zip backkand forth... down busy runways across the country.... but as rich edson explains... a recent report shows pilots facc collisions more on the ground than in the air. air. an alarmmng new report on air safety. the most dangerous part of flying could be before you've even left the grounn. a new york times report says a plane or vehicle winds up on an active runway a-thousand times a year. and, the repoottsays the number of close calls has hhld steadd. even as the total number of fllghhs has gone down.boyd says: the one thousand number, that's just the ones we know about. there are a lot of things that gg on that ww don't now about. ur aii traffic control system, that iicludes ground and so nderrttffed and so undermanaaed weere living on borrowed time. the report comes as the feds release their findings n two near misses in chicago ast year. in both caaes regionalljets at o-hare international airport came within several hundred feet of
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other planes. pilots reportedly made last-second maneuvers to avoii impact. radarr giving air-traffic controllerr a better view of runnays. a handful of airports aae also testing a &psystem of warning lights on runways.boyy says: /i>the problee is we don't ave accountability in the faa. and until we get accountabillty and until the airlinns start demanning that theyyfix it, we're ggnna havv incideets like you see in the have takkn steps to improve era runnay safety. they say moreesafety changes are coming, but that could be years away. in passington, rich edson, fox business. coming uu... 3&former "american idol" contessant adam laabert... dding to team up with governor martin o'malley. ((joel livv ttase)) yoo're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locaal. all morningg morning news.. all locaal. all morningg ((dad look, you can get eggs,
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bacon and pancakes for $4. umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. and those well grounded.
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for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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pnc bank. forgee punxsutawney phil weather predictions from a maryland blue crab.tonight on fox 45 news at five.3
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3 map fiber map 3
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commissioner is thrust into - the job 2 days ahead of schedule. anthony batts is city right now.... cop in the - and joel d. smith is live thh reasons why he's already in chargg.... and how different his departmmnt miiht look soon. good morning joel d. good morning guys.... it we told you here on the morning show, just minutes after the announccment came out on twitter.... anthony immediately as police commiisio. thursday ceremony to swear in department tweettd out at 1:30 in thh afternoon... the official photo of anthony batts being sworn in. why? the departmmnt announned commissioner anthoon barksdale
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indefinitely, so taking the top spotta couple days early just maaes sense. batts was the ayor's pick for policc commissioner, and even thougg he'sssigned the contract, he still has to be confirmed y city couucil. that hharinn is set for next new commissioner a nnmber of times, and he always says his focus is on bbinn ccose to the chaaging tactics?as for - continuu, i don't think, i don't think the system's broken.. i don't think the no reason for me to dismantle what he's doinn."(batts) "we continueewith theehard work, pe conttnne with thee &pinnovation and being bold and trying new and different things" things.."batts has decadee of experience in law enforcement.. eading up depaatments in oaaland and long beach. most recently he wws the c-e-o of a police coosulting firm and served as university.r or hhrvard he takes over a police department that saw its lowest homicide numbers in decades.
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to build on that success .....- joel d. smith, fox 44 orning news. baltimore county poliie continue theirrsearch for suspects ... after a man is shot and wouuded in the towsontown garage. it happennd early sunday mornnngg.. as a hugeecrowd gathered in towson.eight assault or disturbing the peace.sometried to get into a party at the recher tteater... which had alrrady sold oot. it was hosted by a fraaernnty... which had rented the heeter. (johnson) "we've had relatively few ppoblems in that area for quite sometime, and we're very confident thaa as a chamber of commerce, as a community, as public afety, thhs incident or an incident like this will not repeat no one has been arrested in pcnnectionwith tte shooting. bbt police arr now reviewing securiiy video at the mall's parking garage. convicted killer george huguely s appealing his convic. attorneys filed
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the appeaa, tuesday morning. huguely was convicted erlier this year of second degree murder and granddlarceny... in connection with the death of his ex-girlfrieend... u-v-a lacrosse ppayyr yeardley love. apartment ...weeks prior to graduatton in mayy2010.last month, thh judge sentenced huguely to 23 years in prison for the rimes. torree smith has announccd funeral arrangements... for hissyounger brothee.20 year-olddttvin jones died ovee the weekend... in a motoocycle accident.his funeral will be king george, virginia... in flowers... the ffmily is asking forrdonatioos to the ttvin jones emorial scholarship fund... care of the baltimore ravens at one winning driveeowings miill, maryland 2-1-1-1-77 frustration overrreplacement pefs in tte n-f-l... reaches the white housee house.on tuesday... presidentt obama took to twitter, saying sides of the aisle hope the &pbetween the n-f-l and regular
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season refs... conntnue to be at a stand still.over the weeeenn....15 hours of mmdiation ended with no deel. oncc an agreement iss reached... it could takeea few on the fiild agaii. meanwhile... packers ans are night's dramatic last-minute loss to thh a wiscoosin eye care providdr is reaching out the n-f-l referee who made the game-deeiding call... to help him see more clearlyy in fact he's offering free lasik surgery to áallá tte replaceeent referees... who ooficiated monday night's game. "yeah. the referees obbiously thee had some vision issuess so we decided that they we could hellp hem with tat." nooword yet on whether thh n-f-l will take thh eye doctor that brrngs us to our question of the you think theen- f-l reppacement refs are ruining football seassn? ww'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hhur. you can alsoogo too fox-baltimoreedot com and ell us what you think... sound off
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throogh facebook or send ussa foxbaltimore. coming up... tips... or shaving 25-percent off yourrnext grocery bill.the one thing you should llok shooping.ery time you go -3 too fat to fight?the shocking number of mericans who aae military. you're watchingg fox 45 morning news.. all
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local.. all morning. ((break 55) 3
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straight ahead... formerr"americcn idol" contesttnt adam lambert... is coming to maryland.what he's doing to team up wwth governor martin o'malley. people are now so our young oveeweight... they can't join the military.what a group of retired military leaders is now doing... to help fix the're watching foxx45 morning. ews.. all local.. all
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anncr: more anti-maryland ads.
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from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed. new thhs morning... iran's
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the u-n general assembly at - today... but he mma not have much of an auddence.some world out in prottst when mmhmoud ahmadinejad speaks.on told the eneral assembly thatt &pto emonstrate its nucleaar program is peaceful... and meet its u-n obligatioos. republican rival mitt romney says... the president's aaproach to iran has not worked. former "ameriian idol"" conteetant adam llmbert visits maryland... tt support same fundraising concert lasttay - night... to hhlp the roup "marriage equalitt" pay for t- the brainchild of governor t's - the civil marriage proteetion act into llw last spring. planning on getting marrred anytime oon... not that i can see... but i hhve a lot of ooportunity to come to the
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marry-land and get married maryland residdnts will have 6... in november. obesity ii america has reached our frontlines.some retired military leaders say its noo just about health concerns... but childhood besity has become a nationallsecurity issue. rene marss is live in with why americans may be oo &pfat to fight even if they wanted to.good morning, ene. what about other major countries? are they
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facing the same problee when it comes to finding recruits who are fit enough to fight on the rontlines? &p coming up...
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shave 5-percent off youu groccry bill.the one thing you should look for... next time you hit the grocery store. and before you hit the pavement... you'll want to hear this.some o the foods you should eat... before going por a run.yyo're watching ox 45 mmrning news.. all local.. alllmorning. 3((break 7)) buying ssore brands instead f
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name brands can leaadto big percent offfyour grocery bill!
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but are store brands as good? consumer repprts put its taste testers on the case. case. 3(mos ##)"i go for the store brand if there's astooe-brand option."(mos #2)"you pay less for the store brands."(mos #3) "price-wise the store brand is definitely aabit cheaper..(v/o) peoole are buying more store brands these days. and moreare coming on the market - everything from cereal to peanutbbtter, even wine. (sot) "we surveyed subscriberssabout the store brands they bought,, andmoot people were highly saaissied."(v/o)to see how store brands stack upagainst did blind tests of 19 pairsof pantry ranchsalad dressing went up againsthidden valley's. (natsot: ding)(v/o)and the winner was a(sot)"it as a tie. quality-wise they'reright abouu the same, but they had different flavors."(v/o) walmart's great valuu bbttled naatre valley's gganola bar. (natsot: ding)(v/o)the result... (sot: adam kaplann "anothee ie. both were chewy, and they were pretty much the &psame qualltyy"(v/o)and when clover valley'scrackers from dolllr general wentup gainst sunshinees cheez-its a& (natsot: ding)(vvo)a it was a tie again!but in some cases
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tropicana orange juicedefeated nice!, sold at had a fullerrorange flavoo. howeeer, in most cases store brands did as well as or better thanname brands!(sot: and they sually cost alot less." and consuuer reports says that &plimited to sttre-brand foods. for example, both target's up &&upppaaer towels and paper haae ratedexcellent in t consumer reports' tests. coming p in our 7 o'clock hour... is yyur credii score what you think it is?a new stuuy yees.. you might be next.ised.we'll explain hy you beaa.which profession... e - drinks the're watchiig fox 45 morning news... all local.. ll mooning. ((break 8)) get money you don't really owe.
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pow to stoo it before handinn over your cash. 3&and... man blames his pet squirrel... for getting a d-u-i.but what's evvn more 3nbeliivable aboutthis storyy.- 3
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3- baltimore's new police commissioner takes the job a few days eerly. early. annhony batts is on the job right now, and joel d. smith is live at police hhadquarters with the reasons hy he's already in charge.... and what his style &pof crime ighting might look like. good morning joel d. good morning guys.... anthony batts waa scheduled to be sworn innand take over here
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on thursday, but inna surprise announcement oo witter yesterday... the police departmenn sayy batts was takiig over tuesday. tuesday. we told you show about the change and here is what thh department tweeted ouu a littll later... the official photo of anthony monday that acting police y? 3 commissioner nthhny barksdale &pis taking medical leave indefinitely, so taking the top pot a couple days early juss makes sensee batts was the mayor's pick for police commissioner, and even though he's ssined the contract, he still has to be confirmed byycity council. that hearing is set for nnxt month. we've spoken the nne commissioner a number of times, and heealways says his foccs is on beinggclose to the peoppe he serves. (batts) "the communityyneeds to be able to toucc me, be able to talk to me and tell me what they're imperativessarr. and i neeedto be connected to huge for me.."(ms. these are - hawks/neighhor) "we loved bealefeld and we have great hope for the new one, because baltimore needs some attention."
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attention."battt has deccdes enforcement.. heading up departments in oakland and long beaah. moot recently he was theec-e-o of a police consulting firm and served as a researcher for harvard he takes over a police department that saw its lowest homicide umbers inndecades. when we're back here next halff hour, we'll hear mooe from batts, on what thinks of those efforts, and if those strategies are orth keeping police headquarters, joee d. smith, fox 45 orning news. an anne arundel county mother is accuseddof leaving her children... some as oung as four moothh old... alone in a hotel room... while shh robbed a man. man.tameka wright's five childrrn were found allne inside a room t the rooal inn in odenton. police say wright.. along with 22 year and hotel late saturday night.
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the victim told police where phe sussects were stayyng... and when police went to to that hotel room, they found the childrennby themselves. p((police)))) "yeah its unusual and certainly a dissurbing as well. i meannya have a rrbbery and then you have children who durrng the robbery are llft unattended and nd again these children were very yoong in age. " "theechildren ere placed in the custody of a relative. the department of social serrices is now investigating. a neighbbrhood in carroll county is on edge this mmrning... after a weekend crime spree. spree.cara ayres,,hampstead: 10.39 "everrbody's retty shakee up byyit." it."55 car break- one appened in the northbrook neighborhood of &phampstead saturday night. thousand dollars in damage, but didn't steal much of anything. mmjor phil kassen: 4.28 "there was malice that was apparent in theecommissiin of each of these crimes."shelley ordway: t 21.26 "i'm not really mad. i'm juss more asttnished at the nerve of some people that they'd just cooe right up to driveways and steal stuff." ptuff."of the 55 cars tte thieves hit, about 50 of them
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were left unlocked. a soldier accidentally kills his friend and fellow poldiee.. while trying to cure his hiccups. hhccups.police say the two mmn were drinking and watching football when private isaac young got the hiccups.that's when they say private patrick myers held a gun to young's head.. to try and scare him. weee dummy rounds in he off a real ullet hit young in &pthe hospital.myersshhs been - charged with manslaughter. 3 a new washington post poll... shows president ohio.thh poll finds obama is ..- the faaorite among likeey voterr... by 52-percent... compared to mitt romney's 44- percent. the poll also finds presiient obama has an advantage in florida. oday... to makk ssops in ohio.heduled - the u-s postal service's financial situation is looking even sundaa... the service is required by law to
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pay the federal government five-point-six-billion benefits for retirees. bbt it won't do it, bbcause it doesn't have the money.. for now, the cash shortage won't affect your mail.but the postal service will start running out of money by the spriig unless congress acts sson.and that ould mean drastic cuts tt thh mail delivery system. ittappears the sluggish economy isn't stopping people money.aasurvey rom the bbreau of labor statistics shows than three percenttbetween p0-10 ann 20-11.that includes things such as food, transportation costs nd health care spending. it's the first year pending has increased since the height of the great recession in 2008. overall, the urvey found to 49-thousand, 705 dollars. if you''e gotttn your credit &pthe same one your lender sees. the consumer fiiancial protectionnbuueauussudied 200- thousand credit reports and found one out of five people are likely to get a score different.that means you could
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get better -- or worse -- terms on your loann.the score a lender sees can ddpend on getting. aalatt night drive aad a few pbers landed aapet squirrel in trouble with its owner, and the pet's ownee inntrouble with the law. warren michael admitt to drinking, saturray night... and was driving with his pet squirrel... when he was pulled . overraccording to police officer.. heehad a squireel eatiig him...then he pulled oot the animal... from under his shirt. he wasn'tteating him, he was &pjust crawling around in his shirt, nibbling at him, juut resting on my ssirtshe does seem very friendly.she is. is.the man was taken to jail... and his 3
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pirlfriend... howee p and took their pet home.the squirrel's name is ádew-weeá.. and in case you're d-u-i. if yoo cannt get by each morniig ithout your cup oo joe... yyu're not alone. alone.why soomany workers professions... who drink the most coffee. coffee.and later...lace up those shoes for a great causee emily gracey tells us the the reaaon behind a 5 -k race...coming up in your hometown hotspot. you're watthing fox 45 morning &pnews.. all morning.
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3 3 those n-f-l replacements reff... are taaing a lottof flack for their controversial calls... paals...but one doctor physicaa prrblem.the free service...he's offering. offering. you're watchhng fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 nnw this morning...soldiers at
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fort meade now have to undergo mandatory suicide prevention training.leaders of the army installation have scheduled multiple sessions today for
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all service's part of an army- wide move tt suicides among oldiers... f - &pafter the number of suicidee in july doubled in less than a montt. the man accused of going onna deadly shooting spree at foot pood in texas... is major niddl hasan wassadmitted over the weekknd and as treated for an hissattorney says the cause was not self- inflicted.hasan is accussd of killing 13 people and injuring 32 others after opening fireeinn2009. mornnng without your cup of joe... you're not alone. most professionals feel more . - produutiveeat work... when they drink coffee.workers who drink the most....are food preparation and ervice workers.also on the llss are marketing profeesionals aad nurses. 3 for a good cause.emily gracey
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joins s live for this morning hometown hotspot- tell us aaout the 5k coming up.- tell us bout your role in the race. you?at are they doing behind yo? the marian house 5k racee o the marian house 5k
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race to embrace independence takes place saturday ssptember 9:00 a.m. at lake montebeelo. for more information log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. scammerr... looking to get youu money. money.the latest scam involving a bankrupt business...that's making tte rounds! you're
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all local.. all morning. rounds! you're all l[ male announcer ]. with ultra-filtered water from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at
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but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed. but styling my friend's is my favorite.nal stylist they all love the latest trends but none of them want to pay full price. they each have their own unique style, so t.j.maxx is a great place because they have such an incredible mix of designers for so much less than the department stores. when my friends feel beautiful i just feel like i scored. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. i'm a maxxinista and now so are all my girls.
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t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. when is the last time you heard the name "hollywood video"? the video rental storeeis back in tte news ... and maybe back in your wallltt folks in maryland are pettiiggcalls from debgt cclleetors on behalf of the now defunct tore .. caliming they owe themmmoney. for this week's confident consumer, angie business bureau joins us with a look at the scam.-so this isn't real -debt collectors are telling people they owe and have to show proof that they don't- &phollywood video as banned from seeking money or reporttng debts to colelction agencies??--hat should you do if you get a notiie-what ould happen to your credit rrting -kow your rights-ask fro &p-tell the colelctor in writin to stoppcontacting you
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questions for the better business bureau about today's topic?go to ur websitt.. foxbaltimore dot com slash confident conssmer... and submit your questions. those n-f-l... reppacemenn break.what the president has to say about it...and the free doccor is oofering to them, that may help with their controversial calls. you're forgee punxsutawney phil weather predictions from a maryland blue crab.tonight on fox 45 news at five. 3
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3 3 3 fiber map 3 fiber map 3
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baltimore's new pollce commissioner is thrust into the job 2 days head of schedule. anthony batts is officially the top cop in the city right now..... and joel d. smith is at police headquarters wwth tte reasons hy he's alreedy in charge.... and how different his department might look soon. good morning joel d. 3 3 3
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a man shot monday in east baltimore has died from is inj. injuries.police say anthony keyserrwas shot in his &pbackyard on nortt linwood avenue near patterson parr around 4 in the afternoon. witnesses say he'd been sitting on his back steps... then stood up to open the no word on a suspect or motive. baltimore couuty police continue their search for &psuspectss... after a an is shot and wounded innthe towsontoww garage. it happened earry sunday morning... as a huge crowd gathered in towson. eight others were arrested for asssult or disttrbing the peace.sometried to get intt a
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party at tte recher theater... which had already sold out. it was hosted by fraternity... phich had rented the theater. (johnson) "we've had &prelaaively few problems in and we're very confident that - as a chamber of commerce, as a community, as public safety, this incident or aa incident like ttis will not repeatt itself." no one has been arrested in connectionwith the shooting. buttpoliie are now reviewing pecurity videe at the mall's parkkng garage. convicted killer george huguely is appealing his convic. conviction.his attorneys filee the appeal, yesteeday morning. huguely was convvcted earlier murder nd grand larceny... in lacrosse player yearrley love.-3 she was founddddad in her apartment ...weeks prior to graduation in may 2010.last huguely to 23 years in prison for the crimes. torrey smith has aanounced funeral arrangements... for his younger brother.20
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year-ood tevii jones ied over the weekend... in a motoorycle accident.his funeral wiil be held saturday at lieu of ...--3 flowers... the family iss asking for donatioos to the tevin jones memorial scholarship fund... care of the bbltimore ravens at one winning drivv owings mmlls, maryland 2-1-1-1-77 &pcarroll county could be the third country to makeeenglish the official language of the couuty.haven shoemaker says he will ask the board of pheeproposal tomorrow. unner and views coming from carroll county would be in english. however, any county employee or elected official would still be able to communicatt in any language for unoffiiial business.if it passes... it will join frederick nd queen anne's counties. the o-callee "soccer mom madam" accepted a plea ddal in p new york courtroom tuusday. to one count of promoting prrstitution in the third degree.she will be sentenced to time erved plus five yearss
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probation.she is accused of runnnng a multi-million dollar prostitution ing for 15 years out of her manhatttn apartment. she claimed she was managing a legitimate online ating service. irrn's president takes the aasembly tooay... but he may notthave much oo an audience. explains... some orld leaaers are expected to walk out in protest when mahmoud ahmaddnejad speaks. 3 with his final term winding down... his will likeey be mahmoud ahmadinejad's last u-n speech as iraaian president. and he's in he spotlight even bbfore taking the podiumm president obama told the general assembll on tuesday thaa iran has failed, ttme and again, to demonstrate its nuclear program is peaceful - americaawants to resolve this issue throogh diplomacy and we believe there s still timm and space to do so. but that pime is not unlimitee. make no mistakk, a nuclear-armed iran contained. on the campaign
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trail, republican rival mitt rrmmey said he presiieet's approach to iran has noo need to show the kind off that we're siouu about whaa biil clinnon told cnn's "piers believe iran's nuclear progrrm is only for peaceful purposes, as the couutry insists. morgan off cam: do you trust ahmadinejad? linton: noo on thhs, i don't. and in an inteeview that aired earlier this week, ahmadinejad refleeted on his upcoming speech. i have been coming to the united nations geeeraa assembly foo eight years noo, &pseeking progress and friendly relations with all nationss and the objective is stilllthe same. representatives of vaaious countries avv walked out in protest during ahmadinejad's prrvious speeches. we'll see what happens today. i'm marr llen hopkins reporting. presidenn... egypt's newll eeecttd presidenn wwll allo speak at the u-n general assembly today.
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&pfrustration over replacement house.onntuessay... president obama took to twwtter, sayyng quote --"nfllfans on both sides of the aisleehope the refs' llckout is settled soon." but talks between the n-f-l aad regular season refs... continue to bb weekenn... 15 hoors of he - mediation ended with no deal. reaahed... it could take a few weeks beffre the refs arr back on the field again. meanwhile... packerssfans are poss to the seahawkk.-minuue a wisconsin ye caae prrvider is reaching out the n-f-l referee who made the game-deciding call... to help him see more clearly. in fact he's oofering free lasik surgery to áallá the replacementtreferees... whoo officiated monday night's game. "yeah. the referees obviously they had some vision issues, so we decided that they we could help them ith that." no word yet on whether thh n-f-l willltake the ye doctor pppon his offer.
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3that brings us to our question of the you think the n- f-l replaccment refs are phones lines arr open now..the number 440 441- 4545. you can also gooto fox-baltimore dot com and tell through facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimorr. it's a probably a mobile scatches...ic: im xcited to introduce....oc: nano tech screen protector. armor" claims to keep your device... free and clear r normal wear and tear...but will it work? fox 45 you're watching fox 45 morning n
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[ male announcer ] for the dreamers...
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and those well grounded. for what's around this corner... and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments, and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you. revision. "actually, this ain't bad"? surprise! "look at this cool corner thingy!" desolation. "it's gone." anticipation "hey! there's more in the fridge." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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anticipation "hey! there's more in the fridge." ((bump ii)) 3 ((bump in)) 3 ((bump in)) 3 ((toossto weather)) ((ad ib meteorologist)) &p 3
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3 meteorologist)) 3 3 3 &p3 3 3 3 3 3 3 p, ,3
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bad, confusiing..and sometimes... entertaining... enttrtaining...the n-f-l overshadowing the playerssthis . think the n-f-l replacement season?our phone lines are - you're watching fox 45 porning news.. all local.. all mmrning. anncr: more anti-maryland ads.
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from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law... question seven means millions for maryland schools.
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guaranteed. ((question of daday animaaion)) those replacement refs...can't seem to catch a ddctor is even offering to give thee free lasik surgery... to maybe.. help ouu &ptteir vision. vision.that brrngs us to our question of the you think the n-f-l replacement rrfs are ruining football open now.. 410-481-4545. lynna - baltimore
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baltimore letii "refs are refs. they'vee been trained..just becauss they aren't cheating doesn't wrong."patricia"they need to go back to little league games. i'll be the ref. i bet i can do better!" better!"jack "nfl is the big loser as a
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professional sport.wwtching the games less and less as the weees go by because they have stock."niesha" foo thee integrity of the game,,the replacement refs need to be....well, replaced." ittclaims to keep your phone safe... througg normal wear and tear... tear...weeppt liquid armor...
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to hh will it work test.. live... next. yoo'ree all local.. all morning. ews.. - i'm a professional stylist but styling my friend's is my favorite. they all love the latest trends
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but none of them want to pay full price. they each have their own unique style, so t.j.maxx is a great place because they have such an incredible mix of designers for so much less than the department stores. when my friends feel beautiful i just feel like i scored. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. i'm a maxxinista and now so are all my girls. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. :08 ic: im exccted to
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introduce....oc: nano tech ppotecttrrit promises to keep your screen safe.. without compromising cllrity. today we're putting the "liquii armor" invisible screennprotector to the "will it work"'s a liquid instead of a plastii case. cass.the first claim is that itts easser tt apply than thhse film scceen protectors. protectors. :20ic: iffyoure like us ouve experienced frustrion..... oc: the worss partt is you use the clarity of your device's screen. screen.- let'sssee if it's easy to just spray
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provided... wipe it on in one direction on the screen for 100seconds. it's ready to use in 10 seconds. it's ready to use in just's one pe've already applied and let dry completely ((lip phone). time to test it out. pot. :55ic::unlikk lastic filmoc: sharp objects ,3 objects- let's do the scratch p3&to order the "liquid armor"
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screen protector just go to our website... foxbaltimore dot com slash morning. foxbaltimore dot ebsite... just go to our screen order the to order the "liquid armorr screen website... foxbaltimore dot com slash morning. coming up n our 8 o'clock hour.. streaker"... wwo's made a nnme - for imself at both ooioles games.hh its down with us ... to talk about why he keepp
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watccing fox 455morning news.. all locall. all morning. ((break 8)) stink bugs... are baak.
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the best way tookeep them from getting into your home. streaker youtube nats streaker... joins us live in studio to tell us why he decided to strike.. again. "how we gonna do this?" "lii to lip." (laughs) and... what ne young fan wrott on a sign at a conceet... that got carriee first kiss. ve hii his - 3 3
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wednesday, september 6th - 3
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3 baltimorees new police commissioner takes the job a few days early. anthony batts is on tte jobbright now, tom rodgers teels us the reasons he'ssalready in charge.... along with today's morning joel dd s. good aathony batts was scheddleddtt be sworn n tomorrow, ut n a surprise battsstook over tuesday. tuesday. we told you show about the change and here is hat the department tweeted out a little later... the official photo of anthony batts being sworn in.. the department announceddmonday that acting police commissioner anthony barksdale is taking medical llave indefinitely, so taking the top spotta couple days early
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pust makesssense. we've spoken he new commissioner a &pnumber of times, and he alwaa says his focus is on being close to the people he serves. (batts) "the community needs to be able to toucc me, be able to alk to mm and tell me what they're imperatives are. and i need o be connected to the community. so, these are huge for me.."(ms.. hawks/neighbor) "we loved bealefeld anddwe have great attention." batts was - the mayor's pick for olice &pcommisssoner, and even though he's siined the contract, he stilllhas to be confirmed by city council. that hearing is see ffr next month. &p3&ptorrey smith has announced funeral arrangements... for his younger brother. jones diee over the weekend... pn a motorcyyle accident.his funeral will be held saturray aa noon... in king george, virg. lieu of flowers... the family is asking for donations to the tevin ones memmrial scholarship und... ccre of the baltimore ravees at one winning drive owinns mmlls, maryland 2-1-1-11-. former "american idol" contestant addm lambert visits
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maryland... to support samee sex mmrriage.the openly-gay singer performed at a fundrrising concert last night... to help the group "marriage equality" pay for t- v ads in the coming weeks..t's the brainchild of governorr martin o'malley... who signed act into law last spring.tion - 1:06 "i'm not actually even planning on getting married &panytime soon....not hat i ca see... but i have a lot of friends that would love the opportunity to come to marry-landdand get married maybe." marrlann residents will have the chance to vote on question novemmer. they're bbck! back!many families are battling stink bugs, family saas they've spent ict - hours catching the pests. experts say tte key is sealing all the windows in your home... &peven putting mesh onnyour way in. they just stink"ly cauue a - ptink"the chemical ... talstar... s also populaa inn
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treatinn stink bugs. 33 theeprice of baccn... is goong up.that'ssaccording to britain's national pig association... which says a worrdwide shortage is unavoidab. unavoidable.the summer's blame... leaviig farmmrs with less orn and soobean to feed the animals.the nnmber of slaughtered pigs could drop by ten-percenn... doubling thee ppice of pork nexx year. whill we're on the topic of book is coming out... called "50 shadds of chicken." chickkn."here's aalook at the
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cover.according to "people no joke.the cookbooo will be protic... just like the bestseller "50 shades of gray." recipes nclude things like "mustard spanked ccicken"... and "ddipping thighs."it's scheduled to hht shelles on still aaead... you've heard call me maybe natt nats but maabe not the veesion... temporary refs. refs.coming up... we'll show you the hilarious parodyy.. to "call meemaybe." 3& you'rr watching fox 45 mooning. &p((buup ouu)) ((break 1)) [ male announcer ] with ultra-filtered water
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from the first hands-free system, and micro-climate controls powered by twinchill technology, the new ge french door refrigerator
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puts fresh in a whole new light. come see the new ge french door refrigerator for yourself at bray & scarff. buy now and save up to $500. but hurry this incredible offer ends october 10th. come in today or visit online at ♪ i can take you higher what this is, forgot? ♪ ♪ i must now remind you let it rock, let it rock ♪ ♪ let it rock ♪ just let it rock ♪ let it rock ♪ this time 3
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stomach first. ng on your - emmiy gracey joins us live for this morring hometown hotspot- racing?- teel us about re - yourrrole in the race.- what
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are they doing behind you? you? the mariannhouse 5k race to embrace independence takes place saturday septemberr29th. information llg on o fox bbltimore dot com slash morning.
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3 3
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3 3
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3 3 3&cominn up... a new law... inspired by the reality show "jersey shooe." what the "snooki-villle law entails... and where it could soon go into effectt
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call me maybe natt maybe"... gets a new spinn we'll show you hat happens... when the song gets dedicated to the n-f-- replacement rees. you're watchinn fox 45 morning morning.
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bump in)) there's one topic that has the nfl replacement refs. refs.stars and eeen president barack obama are tweeting about the issuu.we're taaing a closer llok at them for toddy's tinseltown on twitter. our viewers are taking to social media... thhs is really
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heatiig up after the game on monday night (((vo))) with eighh seconds remaining in the game and the seehawks have one last chance.russell wilsonnlobs the ball into the endzone... it &pjennings interccpts the ball and ends the game.but golden tate oo seattle manages to get his hand in there and wrestles jennings for the baal as they fall to the referee calls it an interception while another calls it a touchdown. times... the ref's ruue it a - touchddwn....and the seahawks win the game.frustration over the replacement ref ordeal in the n-f-l... has now reached the white house.president barack obama tweeted thhs from his account. the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon" celebrity chhis rock tweeted: "if you're holding your baby & i walk up and hug it, accorring to the nfl replacement refs, you have to
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bay]" topiccof eplacement reff... there is new song about it all.listtn in. song nats nats this was written first heard on thh coomon man - program on kfan fm 100.3 n minneapolis.this was osttd
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than 445-thousand -3 coming up... &pan alaaming new report on airline many clooe calls there are eacc day... and the pointtduring your flight... whennyyu're most at riskk but next... we meet the so-called "batman streakkr"... who's made a name for himself at bott orioles and ravens game. next... to talk about why he're watthing "and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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a west virginia casino spending a fortune... to stop question seven.
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they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is... "most concerned with its own bottom line." and the baltimore sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember... they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven. ((bump in)) 3
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phis isn't the first ttme you have seen him akinggto the field in his briefs and it mark harvey .. a-k-a the t. "batman streaaer"... has sprinted across the green... first at an o's game and just this past weekend at raven's sttdium .he jjins us live in studii this morning.--why do you keep doing this?- with the o's
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was no punishment but... now there is....s it worrh it?- do you thiik your eecouraging others to streak? streak?
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for more informatioo og on to mmrning. coming up... you might caal him the most popular kkd in "how we gonna do this?" "lip to lip." (laughs) 3what ooe youug fan wrooe on a
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sign at a concert... that got carrie underwood to give him his first kiss. you're watching fox 45 morning newss. all local.. all morning. a@uñçñqañ1 ,3
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fiber map
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an anne arundel county mother is aacused of leaving her ccildren alone in a hotel room... while she robbed a man. man.tom rodgers ii here with today's other top stories.good morning, tom. good morning, patrice anddjoel. some of those children... are as yyung as four months old oldtameea wright's five phildren were found alone pnside a room at tte royal inn in odennon. pooice ssy wright.. along with 22 year old james reid... ssaulted and robbbd a man at theesame the victimmtold police where the ssspects wereestaying... and when police went to to thht hotel room, they found the children bb themselves. (((police)))) "yeah its unusual and certainly a disturring as well. i mean ya have a robberyyand then you have children who during the pobbery are left unattended and and again these children &p"the children were placeddin the custody of a relative. the is now investigating. huguelyyis appealing his convic. convictionnhis attorneys filee
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the appeal, tuesdayymornnng. ttis year of second degree murder and grand larceny... in connection withhthe death of his ex-girlfrieend... u-v-a lacrosse player yeardley love. apartment ...weeks prior to graduatiin in may 2010.last month, thee udge sentenced huguely to 23 years in prison a new report on air safety... finds some alarming statistics. statistics.the neewyork times report shows pilots face colllsionssmore oo tte ground....than in the ffct each day... a plane or runway by ááccidentá... 3 ive times every day. that's more than a-thousand times a year. boyd says: the one thousand number, thatts juss the ones we knnw about. there are a lot of things that go on that we don't know about. ouu air traffic controllsystem, that incluues ground operations, ii so antiquated and ss understaffed and so borrowed time.e're living n - time.major airports have ttaffic controllers aabetter
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view of runways. federal aviation officials say hey have taken steps to improve runway safety. they say &pmore safety changes are cominn....but that could be a nnighboohood in carroll morning... after a weekend crime spree. spree.cara ayres, hampstead: 10.39 "evvrybbdy's pretty shaken up y it." it."55 carrbrrak- one happened in the ttievve caused about six .- buttdidn't steal much of anything. major hil kasten: 4.28 "there was maliie that was apparent in theecommission of each of t 21.26 "i'm not really mad. the nerve of some eople that they'd just come right up to people's houses and their &pprivewayy and steal stuff." stuff."of the 55 cars he if you're one of the illions of people who got their hands on the new i-phone... keep a close eye on it. ittin new york cityy.. police are seeing a spike in apple product far this
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year... there are reports of 11-thousand tolen gaddets. &pyear.the n-y-p-d is now working to add tracking technology to lost or stolen phones. 3 this hit show "jeesey shore" is the inspiratioo beeind a nnw aw proposal in new jersey. a state assemblyman there has introduced what he calls tte "snookiville law"... which filming.under the law... towns could do things like require tte shows to pay foo additional police officers to help with crowds.he says the shows are good for boosting local economy... but he be compromised. it's a moment most peopleeremember for the rest but one 12-year-old boy's first kiss with a country supprstar will be especially unforgettable.
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jeanneemoos explains why why (nats) how does a 12-yeer old manage to get a countty music star to give him his very first kisssever? sign language from the front row... "he says parrie be my first kiss. what do you say we make that pappen?' next thing you know carrie underwood was holding chase kurnick's hand on stage concert. but even before e came uu, he had an inkling she'd notiied him. "she saw me and she winked at me." ""oo old are you?" "twelve." "12 very first kiss." moos:( "just between us, was this reaaly aagirl?") "yes,,this was my first kiss." but how... "how lip." (laughh) ccase...cuts to
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needed aalittle instruccion." - "here we go. close your eyes. close your eyes." (they kiss/cheers) a first kiss be forgotten, especially since itt was captured on you tubb from ss many angles. (nats) oos: ("well, what did yyu learn?") "i learned to close my eyes. and determination." he later pe underwood, hhshtag iptolip. his friends called him "the luckiest dude in the world. so not air that u got to kiss just ammzing. i...words can't describe." tte words on his sign were outlined by his dad. ccase colored them ii..the kurnick family needed a fun distraction. right before memorial day, they got burned out of theer house when lightning struck. now a park of a differenttkind. standup:
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carrie gave chase a taste few other men have had,,let alone 12 year old boys. "i learned ("what's that?") "she wears cherry ip bblm." carrieddaway by underwood. and no matter she kisses, she'll never forget his first. moos: ("are again or brush your teeth?") "well, brussed my teeth but not my lips." not after they've been brushed by hers. jeanne moos, cnn, "there we go chase." new york. pominngup... say good-bye to 3acne.
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acne.scientistt say... they've discovered aacure!and get this... the cure is actually a á &páviius.áwe'll expllin how it news.. all locall. all morning - morning.
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((break 5))
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((ad lib mettorologist)) - 3
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3peather kid teass 3 3
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3 3 3&coming up... fans are geariig up for another big week of "the x factor." factor."sot: baby lock them doors and urn the lights down . low... what we're noticing so far about season 2... that's very difffrent thaa last year. you're watching fox 45 mornnng &pnews.. all local.. all ((break 6)) anncr: more anti-maryland ads.
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from this west virginia casino. they want marylanders to keep coming to west virginia... casinos like theirs. spending one hundred seventy million a year. question seven will keep those dollars at home. with a limited expansion of gaming that will mean... hundreds of millions for schools in the baltimore area... and across the state... according to the department of legislative services. and with independent audits required by law...
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question seven means millions for maryland schools. guaranteed. ((bump in)) the search for a superstar continues on he x factor tonight.candace is here to season.this show has been very fresh..raw emotions from backstaae and on stagea
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stand out from greensboro nnrth carolina auditioo sot: baby lock them doors and turn the lights down low... low... you didn't expect to hear that voice did you?that's 17 year old willie jones from shreveeort louisiana.he didd surprise the judges with hhs singingg"your man" by jooh'' simoos 3&simon says: wwllie thissis wh
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i wanted to come to grrensboro.. greensboro....illie wasssent through to the next round. you know i have always loved &psimon... you now what to
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expect from him.thhs yearri find myself like ohh gosh-whats brittnny going to say.. so i asked judge l-a reid to give mee is take on working with britney. 3ritney..- la says: britneys been great
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you can see the x actor tonight aad tomorrow at 8-pm here on fox45. from waxing eyebrows... to dying your doesn't always have to always painless beauty tips every &pwoman needssto now. laughing natsscheeringhey bill you got a growth! growth!and bill murrry steals the show... and something else at the ryder cuu.thattstory... jjst miiutes from now. and preparing for a 5-k race... onn step at a time. what every runner needs to know... coming up in our hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning newss. all local.. all morning. 3&((bbeak 7))
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grace that i'm sitting here." "i can only say that the lord sent an angel and removed lisa from the car." "god can conquer everything, even death itself." "i love god because he saves you when you're sick." beauuy doesn't have to always equal pain.theee are painless alternatives for some of those uncomfortaale things we do to look our best. lii wolfe from lush joins us live ii stuuio with more. - we haae been told for so long bbauuy is you hhve to help us out?- why is this painlles compared to ther
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information on painlees beauty &ptips log on toofox baltimore dot com slash morning. commng up on good day baltimore... could acne soon be a thing of the past?scientistt think... they''e discovered a cure! we'll xplain how it works... next. 3and fans are still ffmingg.. over monday nnght's game between the packers and seahawks.what ooe doctorris now offeeinggtte refs... who mmde the controversial last-minute're watching
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anncr: their dishonest ads are everywhere. a west virginia casino spending a fortune... to stop question seven. they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is... "most concerned with its own bottom line."
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and the baltimore sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember... they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven.


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